Abuja airport (ABV)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, opened in 2002, serves the capital of Nigeria. It operates with domestic and international flights to destinations in Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

Official Website: faan.gov.ng
Number of Terminals - 2 - Domestic Terminal and International Terminal, open 24 hours a day and situated next to each other.
Annual passenger traffic: 3.5 million passengers went through it in 2017.
Tel: +234 709 851 3502 / 5303. E-mail: [email protected].


The airport is located 22 km (14 miles) to the west of Abuja.

 See Map

Public and private transportation

Taxi - Ranks are found outside the Arrivals Hall and official cabs are green. The trip to downtown Abuja takes 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic. It is recommended to agree on a fare with the driver before departing.


Car rental agencies

A car hire service from Sixt (Tel +234 1295 2832) is available inside the enclosure from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.


Parking services at Abuja airport (ABV)

There are two parking lots, one in front of the terminals and another further away. The service is free, but a toll is charged at the airport's entrance depending on vehicle type. Overnight parking is not allowed.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Facilities are limited. Passengers requiring special assistance or wheelchairs should contact their travel agency or airline in advance.

  Rent a car at Abuja (ABV)   Accommodation in Abuja  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Travel Abroad? Forget roaming! activate your eSIM in minutes

Latest updates: July 17, 2019